Week 2 - Bridget Riley & Repetition
To keep developing some p5 technical skills, I'm going to be trying to recreate some of the artwork of Bridget Riley. With the code developed, I'm going to introduce sound as an input and/or output to try and familiarize myself with more of the media capabilities within p5. The first sketch that I'm working on is based upon Bridget Riley's Movement in Squares. There is definitely some logic going on and it seems relatively approachable for my level. Setting up the checkerboard grid was fairly straight-forward, but figuring out the math for the warping is a bit more of a challenge. I'm starting by defining each column as either this.isTheThinnest, this.isToTheLeft, or this.isToTheRight. I'm thinking that from there I can determine a single variable that I can use to control the column widths, as well as the column x-position, which would also need to fluctuate depending upon the mouse position (which will control which column is the thinnest.) Some failed attempts are below! Time to play with more math.
Editor link to the rough sketch: https://editor.p5js.org/bethfileti/sketches/Ev3MKWkan
Learning sound input sketch: https://editor.p5js.org/bethfileti/sketches/yVAq4wDHz
Sketch that resolves idea behind column width changes: https://editor.p5js.org/bethfileti/sketches/MG52Kh42I

Process Work

I'm starting to get appropriate gradients of information to the left and right of the "thinnest column." Going back and forth between a hard-coded column selection and a mouseX controlled selection is revealing that there are some flaws in this code. Working with a slight transparency on the fill is giving me a bit more visual feedback about what I'm telling the computer to do.
Relooking at how I need to approach the math, I set up a side sketch to better understand the mathematical pattern that I need to be determining.