Reactive Spaces

January 5, 2022


The homework is to make a world spatially reactive by adding triggers and colliders as a means for interaction. Think of how these reactions can happen over space, over time, affect one element or multiple elements, affect the player or the world.

  • (normal) add one trigger and one collider, affecting sound and lights
  • (extra) add multiple triggers and colliders, creating a game object, affecting a game object, and affecting UI displays.


In addition to the above, I also wanted to spend a little time working with Terrains, which were less complicated than I thought they would be! Once I had an environment I was reasonably happy with, I introduced a very simple user interface for the first exploration of an interactive space. From there, I worked on a reactive space with a trigger, sound design, and enabling images.


  • I'd love a recommendation for a C# formatters for VSCode.
  • Talking through collisions vs triggers would be helpful. Also, how to debug collisions faster? 
  • Accessing scripts from different objects

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