A purple square with the words "Polite Type" in tall, skinny, white letters.A landscape purple rectangle with the words "Polite Type" in thick white letters.
About Beth Fileti

Close to Red

Imagine you could alter language as simply as you mix paints on a palette.

A word. berlin (close to green). berlin + blue = paris. paris (close to pink).
A word. therapy (close to grey). therapy + pink = treatment. treatment (close to green).
Three color bars. Grey. Grey to pink to green gradient. Green.
Resize the window and play with the logo.
Read more about responsive lettering.

About the Project

Coding Project

Imagine you could alter language as simply as you mix paints on a palette. Using a neural network-trained language model, we can add one word to another, changing it to something new. Close to Red is a tool that can mix words with color words, capturing your interaction in a short poem.

Word2Vector has since been de-activated, due to bias and racism within the tool, but check out some poems below or read my process book to see  how I handled that bias and racism.

Resize the window and play with the logo.
Read more about responsive lettering.
A word. losers (close to green). losers + orange = florida. florida (close to orange).
a word. http (close to red). http + pink = panties. panties (close to pink).
a word. gunshots (close to yellow). gunshots + pink = screams. screams (close to blue).
a word. experienced (close to orange). experienced + red = suffered. suffered (close to red).
a word. pressure (close to red). pressure + orange = squeeze. squeeze (close to green).
a word. human (close to pink). human + orange = humanity. humanity (close to purple).
a word. clown (close to purple). clown + pink = fairy. fairy (close to green).
a word. fishing (close to blue). fishing + green = golf. golf (close to green).
a word. hats (close to purple). hats + pink = socks. socks (close to yellow).
a word. pizza (close to blue). pizza + red = soup. soup (close to grey).